Panoramic Hill House TourSunday, 1 May 2005, One to Five oclockA photo album: part 4 A private vista from Mosswood Road (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)
Courtney Clarkson and Roy Leggitt on Orchard Lane. The Steilberg house is behind them. (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)
Panoramic Hillsider Ann Slaby | Panoramic Hillsiders Sue and Charlie Noyes. Why is he wearing two tour badges? (photos: Daniella Thompson, 2005) |
Sally Sachs | Steve slaking his thirst. (photos: Daniella Thompson, 2005) |
Queueing to see Maybecks Boke house... (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)
...and the neighboring Dean house (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)
Will Schieber at the Path Wanderers booth (photos: Daniella Thompson, 2005) | Allen Stross, Official Photographer |
Jacque Ensign, Path Wanderers maven | Mary and Paul Grunland on lower Panoramic Way (photos: Daniella Thompson, 2005) |
Joanne Backman (left) learns Panoramic Hill lore from residents Robert Breuer and Hilary Bendich. (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)
Walter Steilbergs daughter Rosalie Dwyer (center) and her daughter Joanna (left) with neighbor and tour committee chair Janice Thomas (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)
Arlene Silk (photo: Daniella Thompson, 2005)